Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Parents Television Council

Have you seen some dumbass wingnut on TV lately that you considered idiotic? Maybe you saw a conservative Christian spewing some crazy crap against gay people. Good news! The idiots at the Parents Television Council have made it convinient for you to file an indecency complaint with the FCC now! It's Easy! Remember, for every indecency complaint you send in, you delegitimate what they are attempting to do! Plus, it may actually help get fuckwits off the airwaves.


(via BoingBoing)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Who hates gay people?

Republicans, and people who love Jesu... this just in- Not everyone who loves Jesus hates gay people! Finally, a religious voice of sanity in a sea of crazy religious wingnuts who take donkey tranquilizers so their visions of Christ don't turn him into a brain eating zombie, while they handle snakes.

Watch this ad.

Republicans still hate gay people.