Friday, May 05, 2006

Bug in my ear...

Today I had to come home from work to get some stuff I forgot for an appellate brief I was working on... I actually fell asleep working last night. I went over to see a new horse boarding across the street. It was sort of skittish, so I gave it the heads of some carrots so I could touch it -- I was later told that the owner never comes to see it, so it's unsocialized. Anyway, while I'm doing this a fly flies INTO MY EAR. YES you read that right INTO MY EAR. Not outside the ear, not the edge of the ear -- ALL THE FUCKING WAY INTO MY EAR. Not surprisingly, I freaked. I thought I got it out and calmed down. Then I went back to the horse, which was none too amused. After a while I went in and got what I needed, and as I was leaving THE FLY STARTED BUZZING IN MY EAR!!! IN - I N - my ear. So I flushed some water in there, then freaked and went after it with a Q-tip. Which burst my eardrum and caused me to bleed for a while. So now I have all this wierd pain, and pressure, and bizarre sounds in my left ear.

Where are the damn cameras? My life is a fucking sitcom...