Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sieg Heil Herr Newt!!

Why was the 1st Amendment FIRST, you ask? Let's think about it. The First Amendment, along with the other 9 of the Bill of Rights, takes certain things outside of political debate. The 2d says you can't take guns away from state-organized militias (note the careful wording). The 5th guarantees due process. The 8th protects against cruel and unusual punishment. The 9th guarantees unenumerated rights to the people. Etc. The First is the one that protects all the others. Why?

The First Amendment says 1) the government is not allowed to stop people from challenging the government or from speaking about things, or the press from writing about things, AND, that the government can neither support one religion over others, or prevent people from practicing any particular religion. The overriding principle of this pivotal concept, which had its seed in Locke and in the Magna Carta, is that people need to be able to act their conscience (hence religion, which otherwise seems out of place), and to seek to sway others, including the government, to their side.

Herr Newt would like to take at least one idea out of the "marketplace." While violence as a means of political expression isn't generally socially acceptable, it's not all that rare, historically. Ask the Jews at Massada. Look at the Greek gods vs. the titans. Texas vs. Mexico. The Colonies and Britain?

The really scary bit here isn't the use of restricting speech to prevent terrorism, it's how such an action would affect all the other crazy-ass things that have happened since September 11, 2001. If they can monitor and restrict internet traffic, how long can they keep those records for? Who can they give them to? What would people not say if they thought they were always watched? What topics would be curtailed? With a fascist, pro-life, anti-speech, "trust me, don't ask questions" conservative regime in power, and a media that's already too scared to report on facts as they are for fear of persecution, what won't we hear?

Personally, I think that Gingrich's career in politics should be long dead. He should be unable to become representative of a city dump, much less a presidential candidate. Then again, this country elected the idiot son of an asshole twice, so he's probably the frontrunner at this point...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Bug in my ear...

Today I had to come home from work to get some stuff I forgot for an appellate brief I was working on... I actually fell asleep working last night. I went over to see a new horse boarding across the street. It was sort of skittish, so I gave it the heads of some carrots so I could touch it -- I was later told that the owner never comes to see it, so it's unsocialized. Anyway, while I'm doing this a fly flies INTO MY EAR. YES you read that right INTO MY EAR. Not outside the ear, not the edge of the ear -- ALL THE FUCKING WAY INTO MY EAR. Not surprisingly, I freaked. I thought I got it out and calmed down. Then I went back to the horse, which was none too amused. After a while I went in and got what I needed, and as I was leaving THE FLY STARTED BUZZING IN MY EAR!!! IN - I N - my ear. So I flushed some water in there, then freaked and went after it with a Q-tip. Which burst my eardrum and caused me to bleed for a while. So now I have all this wierd pain, and pressure, and bizarre sounds in my left ear.

Where are the damn cameras? My life is a fucking sitcom...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Where have all the bloggers gone?

Have you ever "Googled" "Blog?" I have to say, as ironic as it is for me to say it on a blog, that I'm a little bit frightened by this whole "Blogosphere" thing. First, most people have no reason with respect to blogging. Either you don't know what a blog is, or you are involved in 5 at a time. Second, people actually expect others to read every damn line of every blog they do. Third people are actually making money, discussing important things like politics and economics, and using these things as informational tools into their personal lives. Between myspace and blogs, everybodys skeletons are marching down broadstreet. Highly amusing.

None of these things are really all that bad, but think about how quickly it happened. Furthermore, why don't people have ... conversations anymore??

This blog shows another interesting thing about blogging. There are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of orphaned, dead blogs (two of which are mine). Nobody gets rid of a blog. The hosts just leave them there. Think of all the forgotten blogs. Some guy who died in a car accident may have a catalog of his previous three years just sitting there. Some kid who did really dumb shit in college may be broadcasting that stuff to his parents, to potential employers, to his kids.

Just musing.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


What collective?

Deja vu

Wow. Last time we had a major terrorist event I was driving to work when I heard. The time before that I was driving to work when I heard. Today I was "driving" (such as it was, as a result of a twin hazmat spill on 95 that created some nice poison gas...) to work when I heard. I need to just stop driving to work. Maybe I'll just sleep in my office from now on...

What happened to the collective here?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I have

... as far as politics and such is concerned. I can't comment on that stuff anymore, or else I get way to stressed out, and I start to feel sick.

How many of you have actually died?

Anybody out there?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

... And in the "fucked up shit" department...

There may very well be a hell, just so there's a place to put this lady.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

and on a lighter note...

Good to see things calming down in the middle east now that they're changing leadership...

What are some things people WON'T try to ebay? Scary thought...

Having been awfully self-absorbed and absent lately, I make my triumphant return with this garbage:

People have tried to auction body parts, kids, towns, homes, their virginity... now even random frozen water... what next?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Parents Television Council

Have you seen some dumbass wingnut on TV lately that you considered idiotic? Maybe you saw a conservative Christian spewing some crazy crap against gay people. Good news! The idiots at the Parents Television Council have made it convinient for you to file an indecency complaint with the FCC now! It's Easy! Remember, for every indecency complaint you send in, you delegitimate what they are attempting to do! Plus, it may actually help get fuckwits off the airwaves.

(via BoingBoing)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Who hates gay people?

Republicans, and people who love Jesu... this just in- Not everyone who loves Jesus hates gay people! Finally, a religious voice of sanity in a sea of crazy religious wingnuts who take donkey tranquilizers so their visions of Christ don't turn him into a brain eating zombie, while they handle snakes.

Watch this ad.

Republicans still hate gay people.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Creationism - 0, Evolution 990,874,983,456

Mark another point for evolution. A new ape fossil found in Spain is said to bridge the evolutionary gap. Be sure to read the article to get the intricacies of the find, and not just the headlines.

By the way, just because the song goes, "Jesus loves me, yes I know / 'Cause the Bible tells me so," doesn't mean that the rest of the bullshit in it is true. Oh, and that everyone else thinks you're an asshole.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The subtleties of email communication

This video Ze Frank is simply hilarious. Thanks BoingBoing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Jesusification of America

It appears to have really taken off in the 50's. First was the forcible insertion of religion into the pledge by the Knights of Columbus and McCarthyism in 1954. Then, in 1955, the term, In God We Trust, became part of all printed money, and became our National Motto in 1956. All of this seems like it was a response to godless communism, and a cultural way for Americans to fight against the USSR during the cold war.

Now, it seems like the Jesusification is continuing, culminated most recently with this Rock Tour.

Far be it from me to say that Roy Moore, is an idiot and flagrant violator of the law, but isn't it strange that groups that call themselves "Battle for the Bible" and "American Veterans in Domestic Defense" would haul around what is essentially a huge chunk of evidence that shows that what they want to do is illegal?

Are we going to see a countrywide tour to elementary schools of the weapons that were used in the beltway sniper crimes?

"Here, Timmy. Touch the gun that caused the east coast to shut down for a few weeks. See? Doesn't that make you feel powerful? Good. I'm glad we could bring this to you, and your school. Now go tell your teacher we're ready for the kindergarteners."

Meanwhile, I'm going to continue crossing out the word God on my money, and having premarital sex with other men while simultaneously providing abortions to teenagers who will be forced to watch the tape of Janet Jackson exposing herself at the Superbowl.