Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Try To Reach Minimum Safe Distance

This has been a rough 10 days or so. For those of you who don't know, my career has recently become a black hole from which not even light can escape.

Unfortunately, so have my clients. I got to court one day last week to find out that my client had been killed a few days earlier in a drive-by. Then I had my crappy ass office support staff leave me alone in my office on Friday (the guy who runs my office thinks its a good idea to close at noon on Friday...) with a guy who kept threatening to kill himself. I dutifully told him he was looking at 5-life, and that if I thought he was going to kill himself, I had to call the cops. He said he wasn't. On Monday, I found out he did... try... by injecting an overdose of insulin into his heart. Today, after my morning ritual of fighting my way through profound depression barely in time to show up for what I have to do, I went to court and found out that my guy for the day has been held on Federal charges... and now i can't locate him in the federal system.

So I say, keep your distance. You may want to run faster.


Blogger The Malcontent said...

Wow. That's a run that is redefining "suck". Hope you catch a break soon.

Don't listen to that corporate sellout Verba Artis. I think what would make you feel good again is if you got up in the face of The Man and told him to kiss your ruby red butthole. Some big law suit against the entire Federal Government for some constitutional rights violation. I mean, I'd come visit you in prison.

(And Verba Artis, ignore what I said about you selling out--I keed. If you could sell out for a higher price, then I could borrow some money off you.)

September 21, 2004 at 4:24 PM  
Blogger Galactichero said...

Not that I wouldn't sell out, it seems that money is more valuable to principle than principle these days, but I'm not the guy corporate guys are looking for. I have all of the skills, most of the brains, and no fear whatsoever, but I also have "leftist fruitcake" stamped on my resume. I have looked into the corporate route with complete lack of success. I have looked into many routes with complete lack of success. I am very successful at complete lack of success...

September 21, 2004 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger Galactichero said...

Oh yeah, we have a neat case involving a SWAT entry, a flashbang burning a hole in a 21 y/o woman's ass, and an expert willing to testify that there was no observance of proper procedure. Bluntly, I'd rather be long gone from my present place of employment before that comes to trial, but it's cool...

September 21, 2004 at 6:02 PM  

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