Thursday, October 21, 2004

Maintaining America's Sterling Reputation in the World

Can you fucking believe this? This guy had a unique opportunity to demonstrate sportsmanship and fair play on a WORLD stage, and he's clutching his ill-gained award like a miserly pissant. What a jackhole. He literally could have walked across the olympic gymnasium, handed this medal to the Korean who actually deserved it, and said, "This is yours. You earned it." The entire world would have gasped and clutched its collective chest, tears would have been shed, stories the world over would have hailed the greatest act of sportsmanship ever, the guy would be bathed in endorsement dollars... it would have been the biggest news event in American sports ever (until last night perhaps...). Hell, even I would have been impressed. Ironically, they might have given them both gold medals even. Instead, as usual, our country displays its "fuck you people" win (or claim to have won) at all costs mentality, and we come out looking like a collective "Hamm."

Oh, Canada, our home and native land...


Blogger Galactichero said...

... and for all the reasons I've talked about, we would be having this argument in reverse. Everyone would be arguing the deduction in Hamm's favor. The point of the olympics, both originally and in the modern era was to bring the "world" together in friendly competition -- friendly, yes, and competition, yes. What we have these days is plenty of competition. We can get that from little league.

October 22, 2004 at 11:18 AM  

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