Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Proctor and Gamble

The "American" "Family" Association is asking it's members to boycott products like Crest and Tide because the maker of those products, Proctor and Gamble, is working to give gay folks equal rights in Cincinnati via a donation of $10,000 to Citizens to Restore Fairness. Beat "A""F"A at their own game. Call Chrm. A.G. Lafley at 513-983-1100 and politely let him know that you are NOT participating in the boycott and will ask others to do the same. Let them know you'll be buying P&G products exclusively from now on. Whether you do or not doesn't really matter, at least they'll know that there are sane people out there. And pass this along to your friends if you could. You can email P&G here.

You can even say something like, "I just wanted you to know that I'm going to keep buying your products and I support what you have done for Citizens to Restore Fairness. I'll let my friends and family know to do the same."

The most amazing part of the boycott is the very comapassionate and well thought out letter from P&G that "A""F"A uses to indict P&G as compared to the looney fucking shit that follows, including the indictment, and a list of sexual "orientations" to equate homosexuality with things such as apotemnophilia. Check it out. (pdf)


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