Thursday, October 28, 2004

Could he BE more presidential?


I don't think a guy who went into Iraq with absolutely no factual evidence to support his cause should say this about his opponent:

"a political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief."

What a douche.

UPDATE: Somebody really needs to muzzle this guy if he wants to win:

George Bush: The Democratic Party has a great tradition of leading this country with strength and conviction in times of war.

(cribbed from

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Here comes the typical dish about Eminem:

I like his style/music, but I think his subject matter leans toward the juvenile/homophobic/chauvinistic.

Check out his "MOSH" video on Launch.

He made the blood boil a little, but this time in a good way.

pointless musings: "You are a piece of poo..."

Watching Bush speak last night I was reminded of a song by the Descendents from my early teen years:

"It doesn't matter you all suck,
don't give a shit about punk rock.
Bunch of fucking drug addicts!

I hate everything that has to do with you...
I hate everything that has to do with you...



Hidey fucking ho people. Things are really bad when I can't even build enough hope to say something more intellectual than this.

On the bright side, Rehnquist may die... Then we'll have Bork, and Scalia as CJ.

Oh Canada, our home and native land...

Jim Caviezel

Is he just a piece of shit partisan shill? Were you waiting for an "or" or something? Jim Caviezel is a piece of shit partisan shill. The equation, allegedly, goes like this:

Religious people = Republicans, Jim Caviezel = Religious person, Jim = Republican

I think:

Republicans = Pieces of Shit, therefore, Jim Caviezel is a piece of shit.

Don't buy it yet? Check out the "facts" they use to inform voters. And you know they're up to no good when they're endorsed by Tony Perkins (no, this Tony Perkins, you know, the scary one) and the Family Research Council.

Finally, Jim Caviezel is a shitty actor. If you have doubts, just DL a chunk of Frequency. Any 2 minute chunk will do. That's all the time it takes to see he's shit.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Maintaining America's Sterling Reputation in the World

Can you fucking believe this? This guy had a unique opportunity to demonstrate sportsmanship and fair play on a WORLD stage, and he's clutching his ill-gained award like a miserly pissant. What a jackhole. He literally could have walked across the olympic gymnasium, handed this medal to the Korean who actually deserved it, and said, "This is yours. You earned it." The entire world would have gasped and clutched its collective chest, tears would have been shed, stories the world over would have hailed the greatest act of sportsmanship ever, the guy would be bathed in endorsement dollars... it would have been the biggest news event in American sports ever (until last night perhaps...). Hell, even I would have been impressed. Ironically, they might have given them both gold medals even. Instead, as usual, our country displays its "fuck you people" win (or claim to have won) at all costs mentality, and we come out looking like a collective "Hamm."

Oh, Canada, our home and native land...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Ha ha. Check me out- I'm such a 1337 [-]@><()I2. I put a $ where the S goes in Microsoft because I deride their massive profits.

Anyway, that lame shit aside, anybody want me to ask Philip Reitinger, Microsoft Senior Security Strategist, a question? Another info session...

Monday, October 18, 2004


From an Oct 14 article at

"The U.S. Constitution was not available on site for comment, but expressed in a written statement support for “the freedom of speech” and “of the press” among other civil liberties," a Democratic news release said.


Just got out of a recruitment meeting with Google, and they made me want to work there, superbad.

Off the top of my head they mentioned:

-no dress code
-dogs allowed at work
-on site spa
-free oil changes, on site, every Friday
-interview and relocation expenses covered
-20% of all engineers work time is designated as "free" for them to develop and research personal ideas
-extremely low attrition rate
-campus cafeteria catered to employees' tastes, daily free of charge
-they value smarts over experience
-they encourage and pay for conference attendants
-they have more new computer engineering positions than they think they can realistically fill

You can find more info here: Google Jobs

I'll grab extra shirts if I can.

Also, they described their applicant database, which was developed in house, and it sounds very similar to the search parameters of gmail (of which I have remaining accounts to give out). They archive every time someone "applies" to Google. This can be good and bad. If they see a marked improvement in skills, grades, and abilities over your resumes over time, they are much more likely to consider you. If you submit your resume 30 times with little or no improvements, they can filter your mail directly into the trash.

Friday, October 15, 2004


This joke has particular meaning to me today...

Virginians - Q: How many Virginians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Three. One to screw it in and two to talk about how wonderful the old one was in the good old days.

We are sooooo fucked...

What does it mean when 1/3 of an entire genus of creatures is about to go extinct? How about when male fish start LAYING FRICKING EGGS, people!!!!??!??! I'll tell you what it means, it means it's time to get off the damn cell phone and work on your flexibility 'cause we're about to have to kiss our own asses goodbye!!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm mad as hell!

And I'm not going to take it anymore! (What?!? Am I the only person under 40 who saw Network?)

Hold Sinclair responsible for their breach of the public trust. Challenge their ability to hold a public broadcast license. The license to broadcast carries concomitant responsibilities.

Cross-posted on The Malcontent.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Daily Absurdity.

The Subservient Chicken Website. Give the chicken orders, make it do your bidding.

Is this really an advertising site for BK? Slate seems to think so.

I just find it bizarre--though the garter belt is a nice touch.

Filthy lies!

Wondering what lies will be central to W's performance in tomorrow's debate?

Paul Krugman throws a little reality-check to 8 likely contenders in today's New York Times.

Tip of the blogging cap to our friends at The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, who disseminated the info on the Krugman piece through the secret left-wing communication system. (So secret that The Malcontent cannot reveal its name, so we'll just refer to it as "The Int*rn*t")

Sinclair: We're Political Whores!

For those living in the Baltimore area, The Malcontent Political Wing posted on Sinclair here and asked people to let everyone know who Sinclair's local advertisers are.

(Sorry, this should have been cross-posted. -The Malcontent.)

A tough job

Since no one else here at MSD is doing it, I guess I'll have to blog about the utter douchery of the Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Apparently the Slimy Butthole Gangsters are planning to run a Swift Boat-esque video on all 62 of their shitty little stations. Just before the election. God damn that liberal media.

There's tons more info at lots of other places, so I'll leave the rest up to you. As I side project I'm going down to central booking to see if I can get a picture of this guy: David Smith.

Monday, October 11, 2004


I have some gmail invites. Holla in comments if you want one.

Don't know if you want one? Keep this in mind, I'm storing 300 megabytes worth of mp3s in my account, and so far, gmail hasn't given me any problems. Try and do that with your 2MB juno account. Punk.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Beastie Boys- Technology and Politics

The Beastie Boys show on Friday in Fairfax was great. If you want a full review, you can check my personal blog, AnonymousCoworker.

On MSD I'm going to get into some of the cool technology that was being used at the show, as well as some of the politics.

On the technology front, there were 2 cool things going on. Actually, one cool thing and one very very cool thing. First, Mix Master Mike had a video up on the screens behind him of Stevie Wonder and his band playing "Superstition." Mix Master Mike had the record for the very same show on one turntable, and an electronica record on the other turntable. The cool thing was, the turntable was hooked up to the video control, so whenever he scratched forward, the video would speed up and skip forward. When he scratched back, the video would align with the sound on the record. Mike mainly skipped around with the drumming intro, so we saw a lot of the drummer played forward and backward, but he also mixed in some of the bass player and other images in a way that showed he was aware he was scratching both the audio and video simultaneously. Definitely cool.

The other cool thing was "bullet time." The Beastie Boys had parabolic arc of small cameras that was about 10 feet wide (from arc end to arc end across the base) at the front of the stage. I wasn't sure what they were for at first, but when I saw the frozen image of Mike D in midair on the projection screens I realized that they had set up an instant bullet time camera system. The coolest part was when they would just let the bullet time cameras go and you could see a multi-perspective view of one of the Beastie Boys rapping into the arc in real time. It was really cool.

Now, on politics, the Beastie Boys were a little more tame than I thought they'd be. They only asked the crowd if we were voting for Bush once. Of course the idea was booed. They also showed a clip of Will Ferrell playing Bush doing a campaign commercial. I imagine most people had seen it already, but for those who hadn't it was probably pretty funny. I was really expecting them to do more Get Out the Vote type of stuff, but they didn't. On the one hand, that's cool. They're musicians, they should play music. Their opinions matter to me no more than anyone else's. On the other hand, their last album was full of politically minded material, so I figured they would have a more political go of things. Oh well, maybe they have outrage fatigue.

Friday, October 08, 2004


These are not my kind of pirates.

Imperium Googlius ?

Fanning the fires of Mokie's earlier paranoia, Google introduces this.

I'm happy to introduce...

The Rude Pundit: Proudly Lowering the Level of Political Discourse

He says what I'm thinking:

If, at tonight's "town hall debate," when Kerry is asked, "What did you mean in the last debate by 'global test'?", he doesn't answer, "You have got to be motherfucking kidding me, ma'am."

He goes on, and it's quite nice actually.

This is kinda weird

I found this statement at the end of an email message:

"Under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this mail cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information."

I haven't yet taken the time to check to see if that statement is accurate, but for some reason when I saw it, I got the jibblies.

UPDATE: I found this in a PDF at USInfo:

"In the 105th Congress, theHouse and Senate each passed legislation (H.R. 3888, and S. 1618), but no bill ultimately cleared Congress. In the 106th Congress, several UCEbills were introduced.One,H.R. 3113Wilson-Green), passed the House. There was no further action. Several spam bills were introduced in the 107th Congress, but none passed. One, H.R. 718 (Wilson-Green), was reported from the House Energy and Commerce Committee (H.Rept. 107-41, Part I), and the House Judiciary
Committee (H.Rept. 107-41, Part II). The two versions were substantially different. CRS-8 A Senate bill, S. 630 (Burns), was reported (S.Rept. 107-318) from the Senate Commerce Committee. There was no further action.

Congressional Action: 108th Congress
As discussed above, nine bills are currently pending:H.R. 1933 (Lofgren), H.R.
2214 (Burr-Tauzin-Sensenbrenner), H.R. 2515 (Wilson-Green), S. 877 (Burns-
Wyden), S. 1052 (Nelson-FL), and S. 1327 (Corzine) are “opt-out” bills. (H.R. 1933 and S. 1327 have the same title and are similar, but not identical.) S. 563 (Dayton)is a “do not e-mail” bill. S. 1231 (Schumer) combines elements of both approaches. S. 1293 (Hatch) creates criminal penalties for fraudulent e-mail. "

So what's the point of throwing that on the end of a regular email? If I figured out this was bunk in 5 minutes, shouldn't the person sending the email with the dubious message know as well? Is this considered fraud? And wouldn't this flaunt the intent of the proposed law anyway?

Pinnochio W. Bush!

Look, and you can see the puppet's strings! But who is the puppetmaster?

Cross-posted to The Malcontent.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Nader Boat Veterans for Lies

I frequently chide some people *cough* mokiejovis *cough* for voting for Bush in the 2000. They can explain why in comments.

I voted for Nader, and frequently get chided for it. My argument was, people didn't follow the rules. Swing states were supposed to vote Gore. Strong red states would vote Nader and strong blue states would vote Nader. That way, no votes for Gore would be "wasted." Well, some Naderites got it in their noggen that, "Fuck it. Let's just vote for Nader, no matter where we are. Gore can't be any better than Bush." So Nader got 3%, AND Bush got "elected."

Well, this time around, anyone who votes for Nader is bottom-of-the-barrel-kick-me-in-my-nuts-because-I'm-a-fuckin'-idiot-and-I-shouldn't-be-allowed-to-reproduce stupid.

If you need a login and password use: kos AT dailykos DOT com, and dailykos

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Last night big ol' Dickhead Cheney urged viewers/listeners to check out Unfortunately, I think he meant, whose top headline last night was:

Bush Mischaracterizes Kerry's Health Plan
Bush claims Kerry's plan puts "bureaucrats in control" of medical decisons, "not you, not your doctor." But experts don't agree with that.

For now, the .org site is down. I encourage you to check out though.

I blame the gaffe on the liberal media.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


The Bushisms DVD also comes out today.

Check the preview here.

New Multimedia

The new R.E.M. ablum dropped today, and Michael Stipe is encouraging you to vote.

The new Cake ablum dropped today, and answers this question for you:

Dear CAKE,
Love the Music. I have a question for you. Should 2005 dawn with a less than rosy political picture. Where to settle: Vancouver or Copenhaagen?

We recommend that you find a place to settle in the United States where you can take part in community building. Stay, and fight the good fight.
Best wishes,

Also, Fahrenheit 9/11 comes out on DVD today. Throw down if you got the jingle.

Thus ends my blatant commercialism. Back to my torrent of Resident Evil 2.

Timing is everything...

I'm a cynical guy. This smells very political to me. It's particularly amusing following the debate last week, the one b/w the VPS coming up, and the next one on Friday. I want an open forum debate. I would looooove to be there for one of those.



Ahhhhh, the decade that I wasted in arcades. It brings me back... Again, and again, and again and...

Something about horribly grisly mutilation of a digital representation of another being just... warms my heart.

"Finish him."

Monday, October 04, 2004

FEAR FEAR FEAR! vote for george bush FEAR FEAR FEAR!

Never has the title of the blog been more apt

The Fear of the RNC:

Quicktime Video Here

Editing by: Brennan Houlihan

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a... harem?

How do I get the deal this guy had? Minus the pedophilia and criminal charges, of course...

In Richmond we have these moralistic bulletin boards coming up. One, on the East side of Richmond heading West says "Isn't she a little young?" It's sad and amusing all at the saaaaaame time...