Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Dear Red America,

You can now take the wool off that was pulled over your eyes. Remember when you were scared that Osama bin Hussein was going to bomb your church picnic in Bumblefuck, Nowhere, because the threat level kept going to orange? Well, now the easily most identifiable target, the White House, has removed the blockades that used to surround it. What does this mean? Okay, mouth-breathers, I'll make it simple. The Idiot King used fear to make you vote for him. Now he has shown that it was all lies, essentially shitting in your corn flakes. They may have called it a beautification process, but isn't it convinient that now that the Idiot King has sealed 4 more years, he doesn't need to scare you anymore. You are stupid, and you were duped.


Blue America

P.S. Who has my tinfoil hat?


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