Friday, November 05, 2004

The Dumb Have Spoken

This is interesting. The states that voted for Kerry are smarter than the states that voted for Bush.

Here's the average IQ by state according to the Ravens APM (borrowed from the 2000 Electoral IQ comparison):

AVG IQ '04 Electoral
(1) Connecticut..................113 Kerry
(2) Massachusetts............111 Kerry
(3) New Jersey.................111 Kerry
(4) New York....................109 Kerry
(5) Rhode Island...............107 Kerry
(6) Hawaii..........................106 Kerry
(7) Maryland.....................105 Kerry
(8) New Hampshire..........105 Kerry
(9) Illinois...........................104 Kerry
(10) Delaware....................103 Kerry
(11) Minnesota...................102 Kerry
(12) Vermont.....................102 Kerry
(13) Washington................102 Kerry
(14) California....................101 Kerry
(15) Pennsylvania..............101 Kerry
(16) Maine..........................100 Kerry

(17) Virginia.......................100 Bush
(18) Wisconsin...................100 Kerry
(19) Colorado......................99 Bush
(20) Iowa............................99 Bush

(21) Michigan.....................99 Kerry
(22) Nevada........................99 Bush
(23) Ohio.............................99 Bush

(24) Oregon........................99 Kerry
(25) Alaska.........................98 Bush
(26) Florida........................98 Bush
(27) Missouri.......................98 Bush
(28) Kansas.........................96 Bush
(29) Nebraska.....................95 Bush
(30) Arizona........................94 Bush
(31) Indiana........................94 Bush
(32) Tennessee...................94 Bush
(33) North Carolina............93 Bush
(34) West Virginia...............93 Bush
(35) Arkansas......................92 Bush
(36) Georgia.........................92 Bush
(37) Kentucky......................92 Bush
(38) New Mexico.................92 Bush
(39) North Dakota...............92 Bush
(40) Texas............................92 Bush
(41) Alabama........................90 Bush
(42) Louisiana......................90 Bush
(43) Montana.......................90 Bush
(44) Oklahoma.....................90 Bush
(45) South Dakota................90 Bush
(46) South Carolina..............89 Bush
(47) Wyoming.......................89 Bush
(48) Idaho.............................87 Bush
(49) Utah...............................87 Bush
(50) Mississippi....................85 Bush

This is all just for fun of course, because the, “statistics are now perhaps a decade old, but were apparently the only numbers available to the original compiler when the results of the '00 election became available” Also, a huge hat tip goes to Jack at The Dark Years for doing all of the original legwork for the idea and 2004 info.

But seriously, the people who voted for Bush are idiots.


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