Wednesday, November 10, 2004

No Tinfoil Hat Needed

In the previous post I accused the Idiot King/Douche administration of purposefully misrepresenting the threat of terrorism to get people to vote for them. Clearly, I was wrong. As John Ashcroft has stated in his resignation letter:

The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved.

Thank goodness! This whole time John Ashcroft was taking care of everything, and making sure that we were safe. And he acheived his goal! No more crime! No more terror! I wholeheartedly apologize for not blindy following goosestep.... I mean, lockstep, with everyone else. The Justice Deapartment may not have technically convicted anyone of terrorism yet, but I'm sure the convictions will be forthcoming. Otherwise, why would the US government have allowed the widesweeping and unlawful detainment of anyone darker than, and ideologically to the left of, the late, great, Strom Thurmond?


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